Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chapter 21, Fighting For The Four Freedoms, p. 476-504

-the League of Nations sought to check aggression
-powerful nations used it to impose their will on weaker members
-Japan seized Manchuria in 1931
-1922, Mussolini came to power. Wanted to seize Ethiopia.
-the International Council of Friends of Ethiopia was organized with Willis Huggins as executive secretary.
-blacks condemned the fascism
-Hitler refused to treat black Olympic stars with civility in Berlin
-Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939
-Germany conquered Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium.
-America did not want to support a large, standing peacetime army.
-very few blacks were allowed into the military forces.
-A. Philip Randolph and Walter White submitted a 7-point program to give blacks just consideration in thed defense program to President Roosevelt
-Americans hated Hitler but promoted racism
-William Hastie, civilian aide to the secretary of war
-the National Defense Advisory Committee: discrimination at hiring plants was not allowed
-the President spoke against discrimination
-A. Philip Randolph, head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and Maids wanted 50,000 to 100,000 blacks to match on Washington to demand that blacks be given defense industry jobs.
-Executive order 8802, prohibited discrimination in employment in defense industries
-a Fair Employment Practives Committee (FEPC) was established
-white employers and Southern whites opposed the FEPC
-Under the Selective Service Act of 1940, more than 3M blacks registered for service in the armed forces
-more impartial than WWI drafts
-blacks were admitted to the Women's Army Corps (WAC)
-blacks would be received into the Marine Corp
-black officers faced much discrimination in advancing.
-4x as many black soldiers were court marshalled
-Capt. Charles Thomas received the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism
-1945, blacks would be integrated into a white unit on German soil.
-The 99th Pursuit Squadron + the 332nd Fighter Group: major black air combat units
-93rd division, steady fighting in the Orient
-black work in the navy was well praised
-Negro Marines are Marines period.
-black soldiers demanded more equality when possible
-the military confiscated black newspapers
-the War Department forbid discrimination in recreational/transportational facilities
-blacks bought many war bonds
-blacks helped out in the Office of Price Administration(OPA)
-many blacks moved North or West.
-San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, and Seattle experienced much growth.
-06/20/1943: major race riot in Detroit, 6,000 soldiers had to patrol the city
-the Pittsburgh Courier waged a vigorous "Double-V" campaign, victory at home as well as abroad.
-the Office of War Information (OWI) described how blacks were faring in the armed services.
-Walter White of the NAACP published A Rising Wind, based on visits to the war fronts
-a conference in San Francisco was held to describe peace.
-UN Charter preamble, faith in the dignity and worth of all humans
-UNESCO as developed to create a program of fundamental education
-the UN discussions on race were much more mature than Wilson's discussions at Versailles
-Ralph Bunche, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950 for mediating in the Palestine dispute.
-America had to improve its racial policies to "fight the Communist bloc."

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